Category: website

Where We Are

WHERE WE ARE Even though our church doors are currently closed due to the pandemic we’re still meeting online. Please join us at, around 7:00 pm each night. 631 N. Meridian St. Greenwood IN 46143 (240) 367-5366 gbci@GBCUSA.ORG

Who We Are

WHO WE ARE HOW WE STARTED Gospel Baptist Church of Indianapolis was founded in March 28, 2010 with 40 members. Since then the Lord has allowed us to grow tenfold.  However, number is not important. Our Church takes pride in sharing the gospel of eternal salvation to everyone as outlined in 1 Timothy 2:4 since […]

What Now

WHAT NOW NO LONGER BUSINESS AS USUAL We are living in unprecedented times. There’s no need to mention that, as of this writing, the whole world is observing sabbath of rest like the Israelites of old did before the Great Exodus. While our church doors are currently closed for traditional worship, God is graciously opening […]